Firestorm Armada: Aquan Spaceships

The Firestorm Armada starter box contains two fleets, the first is a human Directorate one and the second is an Aquan fleet. The Aquan spaceships remind me of Babylon 5 Vorlons – few hard edges, round parts and a bit of a grown (instead of contructed) look.

I primed the ships graygreen, painted some parts with a light green for variation and the highlights with a greenish white.

Firestorm Armada Aquan

Then I used a black wash (more like a bath). The graygeen became darkish and the white highlights are less pronounced now.

Firestorm Armada Aquan

With some reds to make it look more interesting:

Firestorm Armada Aquan

I like the end result as it doesn’t look that clean – clouds of colors, mixed and not that clearly separated (the thinned black dried irregular). It’s a definite difference between this and the Directorate fleet I painted earlier.

Firestorm Armada Aquan Firestorm Armada Aquan

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